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Today (Jan 2) is my Birthday! And I am totally surprised by this website.

What kind of Geek would give his sister a website for a birthday present?? (cheap)


Happy Birthday Lisa !!

Cost of Living 1965

Yearly Inflation Rate 1.59%
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average
Average Cost of new house
Average Income per year
Gas per Gallon
31 cents
Average Cost of a new car
Loaf of bread
21 cents
Average Rent per month

Interesting Facts that have Absolutely Nothing to do with your Birthday!

A normal piece of paper can not be folded more than 7 times
A Boeing 747 wingspan is longer than the Wright Bros first flight
Earth is the only planet not named after a pagan god
Footprints of the astronauts that walked on the moon should last about 10 million years since there is no atmosphere
The Boeing 787 was revealed on 7-08-07
Apples, not caffeine, is more effective in waking you up in the morning
If an Amish man has a beard, he is married
Contrary to popular belief, United is the Friendly Airlines of the Skies

And last and probably least:
Scuba Divers can not fart below 33 feet!

The above info (and $.50) used to be able to buy you a cup of Java in 1965


As a special encore, we were able to locate an old, uh vintage video of Lisa's first day on the job with United:

Lisa's First Day Flying










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  • Investing and Money - I've recently started investing. Below is a great site about managing your money and investing.
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This site was last updated 01/02/09