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Today (Jan 2) is my Birthday! And I am
totally surprised by this website.
What kind of Geek would give his sister
a website for a birthday present?? (cheap)
Happy Birthday Lisa !!
of Living 1965
Yearly Inflation
Year End Close Dow
Jones Industrial
Average Cost of new
Average Income per
Gas per Gallon
31 cents
Average Cost of a
new car
Loaf of bread
21 cents
Average Rent per
Interesting Facts
that have Absolutely Nothing to do with your Birthday!
A normal
piece of paper can not be folded more than 7 times
A Boeing 747 wingspan is longer than the Wright Bros first
Earth is the only planet not named after a pagan god
Footprints of the astronauts that walked on the moon should
last about 10 million years since there is no atmosphere
The Boeing 787 was revealed on 7-08-07
Apples, not caffeine, is more effective in waking you up in
the morning
If an Amish man has a beard, he is married
Contrary to popular belief, United is the Friendly Airlines
of the Skies
And last
and probably least:
Scuba Divers can not fart below 33 feet!
The above info (and
$.50) used to be able to buy you a cup of Java in 1965
As a
special encore, we were able to locate an old, uh vintage
video of Lisa's first day on the job with United:
Lisa's First Day Flying
- Autos - I love cars and everything about them! Below
is one of my favorite car related Web sites:
- Travel - I'm a big travel buff. My family and I love
traveling around the world. Below is a great travel site for
booking tickets, or just to find out information on your destination.
- Investing and Money - I've recently started investing.
Below is a great site about managing your money and investing.
- Interest 1 - Provide a description,
or perhaps a picture here.
- Interest 2 - Provide a description,
or perhaps a picture here.
- Interest 3 - Provide a description,
or perhaps a picture here.